Matthew Scott Appointed Presiding Judge For The City Of Rockwall, Tx

(ROCKWALL, TX) – Effective July 2, 2021, Matthew R. Scott of Scott Gilmore Thompson will preside as the Presiding Judge for the City of Rockwall, TX. The Rockwall Municipal Court is responsible for the adjudication of State and City ordinance violations which are classified as Class C Misdemeanors. The court conducts hearings and trials, collects fines, issues warrants, and reports convictions for offenses that occurred within the City of Rockwall.

Matthew Scott is a highly honored employment lawyer who formerly served as the Associate Municipal Judge for the City of Rockwall, TX. He also was a member of the Rockwall City Council from June 2005 until May 2011 and as an Ex Officio Director of the Rockwall Economic Development Corporation. He is a long-time citizen of Rockwall, TX, and currently practices employment law in Dallas, TX.

The mission of the City of Rockwall Municipal Court is: “To provide a forum for justice to ensure that all citizens served by the City of Rockwall Municipal Court are treated fairly and equally while following the guidelines provided for due process of law. To properly administer this function, the Court must schedule offenders wishing to be heard by the Judge to appear before the Court, adjudicate the trial, collect the fines and fees from those found guilty, and issue warrants of arrest where the offender has not paid or appeared in the Court.”
